Research Reports 1995@Up date@2003.7.16

Abstracts of Papers 
  1. Measurement of Physical Properties of Lubricants under High Pressure by Brillouin Scattering in a Diamond Anvil Cell, Yuichi NAKAMURA, Ikuya FUJISHIRO, Kiyoshi NISHIBE* and Hiroshi KAWAKAMI: Transactions of the ASME, J. of Tribology, 117, pp. 519-523, 1995.

    Brillouin scattering spectra and their transverse mode were measured for paraffinic and naphthenic synthetic lubricants, employing a high-pressure diamond anvil cell (DAC). Sound velocity, density, refractive index and shear modulus under high pressure were obtained. The density obtained from the thermodynamic relation was compared with that from Lorentz-Lorenz's formula and with Dowson's density-pressure equation of lubricants. The sound velocity in the transverse mode and shear modulus were obtained for 5P4E up to 2.7 GPa. A slope change in the pressure-sound velocity diagram was confirmed at about 0.3 GPa, which may be associated with crystallization, observed through a diamond window in the DAC.

  2. Evaluation of Sound Velocity and Density of Lubricants under High Pressure by Brillouin Scattering Using Diamond-Anvil Cell: Yuichi NAKAMURA, Ikuya FUJISHIRO and Takayuki TAMURA*: JSME International Journal, Series III, 38-1, pp. 122-127, 1995.

    A Brillouin scattering optical system using a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a diamond-anvil cell was designed and set up for the evaluation of the mechanical properties of lubricants under high pressure in elastohydrodynamic lubrication of ball bearings, gears and traction drives. Brillouin scattering spectra for alcohols, hydrocarbons, and synthetic lubricants were measured, and sound velocity and density under high pressure were obtained. The density was compared with Dowson and Higginson's density-pressure equation of lubricants, and density-pressure characteristics of paraffinic oils and naphthenic oils were described considering the molecular structure of solidified lubricants.

  3. High Pressure Tribology, Ikuya FUJISHIRO and Yuichi NAKAMURA: Macro/Micro/Meso Mechanical Properties of Materials (Proc. of the Second International Seminar on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials), pp. 485-488, 1995.

    This paper surveys recent trends of tribology and describes the importance of high pressure tribology like elastohydrodynamic lubrication and traction drive.  And it also emphasized that the measurement of lubricants' properties under high pressure is indispensable for the analysis of high pressure tribology.  Some of the authors' study about lubricants' properties such as viscosity, density etc. under high pressure are presented employing a diamond-anvil cell and a laser light scattering technique.

Abstracts of Books and Reviews

  1. A New Viscometry of Lubricants under High Pressure by Rayleigh Light Scattering Technique Using DAC, Yuichi NAKAMURA, Ikuya FUJISHIRO, Masayuki TSUNODA*, and Tatsuya MATSUI*: Synopses of International Tribology Conference, Yokohama, p.54, 1995.

    A new viscosity measuring system of extremely viscous lubricants around glass transition point under high pressure, whose viscosity measurement is difficult by conventional high-pressure viscometry, was designed and set up. Viscosity was evaluated by Rayleigh light scattering from a pressurized lubricant in a diamond-anvil high-pressure cell.
  2. Material Processing Functions of Microorganisms and Their Applications to Manufacturing Processes [in Japanese]. Yasushi KUROSAKI: Journal of JSME, Vol. 98, No. 914, pp. 72, 1995.

    From the view point of developing nontraditional manufacturing processes, various functions of microorganisms, such as production of biogenesis materials, bioaccumulation, bioleaching and biocorrosion, are reviewed, and recent attempts of utilizing these functions conducted by the author are presented. Examples of new processes referred to as biomachining (MBM) and biodeposition (MBD) are also introduced.

@ Research Reports